Part 4 - The Return to Essence

Part 4 - The Return to Essence

Brunswick Heads (near Byron Bay)

Friday to Sunday, November 8-10, 2024 (held over 3 days)

Part 4 - The Return to Essence

Most of us have had experiences that touch into a much bigger experience of life. Often, they are moments of overwhelming beauty. It may be moments in nature, it may be a piece of music or poetry, or it may be with people we love. We know when these experiences have happened; and in these moments we have had a glimpse of our true nature and the true nature of the world. We have connected with our three centres and are experiencing our own essential nature, our essence.

Part 4, The Return to Essence, builds on the experiences of Parts 1, 2 and 3. It explores the ways to dismantle our own protective shells. And when this is done, and the wrappings fall away, we are left with the uncomplicated beauty and innocence of our true nature. We are then living from essence.

The workshop is the deepest work we have offered. It includes many experiential exercises and some rituals and ceremonies. It introduces some new ideas about the body and the important role of neurotransmitters in supporting our return to essence.

It also explores the important theme, of “walking each other home.” How do we support others, particularly the people we love, and help them in this journey from ‘role to soul’?  And when we see the essence of each other, we can celebrate the beauty of ‘essence-to-essence’ relating?

We really hope you can attend this workshop. We think you will find it very special.