
In response to the question:

"Did the workshop meet your expectations?"

“YES, absolutely”

"YES, absolutely. Loved the weaving of materials, the music and the focus."

“Yes, indeed.”

"Yes, indeed. Thank you very much for a great experience."

“Happy with what I got in the end”

"I am happy with what I got from the workshop in the end."

“Real, engaged, kind and compassionate”

“Excellent. Great material and handouts. Both facilitators were very real, engaged, kind and compassionate – which created a safe space… I’d love a Part 2 in Melbourne.” ~ Noel.  Part 1, Melbourne Workshop participant

“A joy to attend and participate”

"Yes. I wanted to gain understanding of all types, especially mine. This was very successfully met for me. It was a joy to attend and participate."

“Really well run, thank you!”

“It helped ground a lot of scattered information. A lot of information without being overwhelming. My favourite part was the group/partner sharing. They were very helpful with integration. Really well run, thank you!” ~ Part 1, Melbourne Workshop participant

“You are amazing”

“Incredible pace, content and core messages. You are amazing.” ~ Part 1, Melbourne Workshop participant

“Friendly and comprehensive”

“Well done. Friendly and comprehensive. Welcoming and engaging. Interested in a Part 2 in Melbourne.” ~ Meg. Part 1, Melbourne Workshop participant

“Generosity of spirit”

“Exceeded them. Generosity of spirit of the facilitators and all participants.”


"150%. Thank you so much. I will recommend workshop."

“Above and beyond.”

"Above and beyond. I have gained so much insight into myself and behaviours and am excited to be comfortable with my personality."

“Much much more.”

"YES. And more, much more. It was an insightful delight."

“The workshop exceeded my expectations.”

"The workshop exceeded my expectations. It was a great workshop and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience."

“Grounded, attuned, inclusive and kind”

“Facilitation was grounded, attuned, inclusive and kind. I am wanting to know more and more.” ~ Part 1, Melbourne Workshop participant

“Exceeded abundantly”

"Exceeded abundantly. The depth, the vulnerability, gentleness, inclusiveness, the space to be."

“I found out so much about my self”

It was a most satisfying weekend. I found out so much about my self, my basic fears, and coping/dealing with many unpleasant experiences we face. I highly recommend the workshops to anyone who wants to find out more about themselves. ~ Chris Sewell. Part 1, Melbourne Workshop participant

“Greatly enriching”

This time has been greatly enriching as well as giving ongoing food for thought and very concrete tools to continue onward for a very long time.

“Space to go deep”

Yes, the space to go deep and process "comfortable silences".

“There is so much to learn”

I found the weekend seminar back in May awakened my awareness of myself and others. I learnt more about my own behaviours and others, my instant reactions to certain responses and now can see the benefits of thinking more and not being so reactionary. There is so much to learn. I am now currently studying the book ‘The Way of the Enneagram’. I am hoping to attend the next Enneagram session in August to further extend my knowledge. ~ Chris Sewell. Part 1, Melbourne Workshop participant

“Really appreciated the warmth and hospitality”

"Yes. Found it very helpful. Really appreciated the warmth and hospitality."

“Supportive psychological materials”

"More than! The content is lovely. The sharpness of the Enneagram was enhanced by the supportive psychological materials. Thank you for the experience."


"Yes and more. As an individual and a health professional I found this workshop to be enlightening. It has given me the want/ will to explore myself further in an environment such as this."

“Loved the energy”

"I loved the facilitation, other participants, energy. A lot to digest and mull over. Interested in a Part 2 and Part 3 in Melbourne." ~ Melissa. Part 1, Melbourne Workshop participant

“Way more than I expected”

"Yes. It was way more than I expected. I enjoyed the atmosphere, the people, the environment and the content."